Auto Body Services in Tyrone, PA

McClellan’s Has High Standards in Body and Paint Repair
When you come to McClellan’s Body Shop, you can be sure of a quality job done correctly and to a high standard by experts in body repair and paint finishes. We serve the Tyrone, PA area, Blair County, Huntingdon County, and Centre County. Our repair specialists bring more than 70 years of experience together to get your car, pickup truck, SUV, minivan, or van repaired the right way. We make it our job to get the repair done correctly, on time, and with extra care and attention to you. Give our professionals a call at (814) 684-1130, or stop by the shop at 1231 Walnut Street in Tipton for our superior services.
Working Well with Insurance Companies
McClellan’s Body Shop has many years of experience in contacting and working with all major insurance companies. We will get in touch with your insurance company when there has been an accident, and we will work with them to handle your claim. Their authorized repairs will be done according to the factory specifications for the make and model of your vehicle.
Vehicle Owners Can Count on Us for These Quality Services
Complete Auto Body Repair
Frame Repair
Frame Straightening
Dent Repair
Paint Color Matching
Rust Removal
Insurance Estimates
Rental Car Help
Foreign and Domestic Vehicles
And Much More
Detailing the Auto Body Process
When we talk about auto body repair, it is more than just hammering the body of the vehicle a few times to look a little straighter. McClellan’s Body Shop has a frame machine complete with laser measuring to be sure the frame alignment is just right and ready to be going back out on the road. We disassemble the damaged part of the vehicle, get the estimate done, order the parts, make structural repairs and replacements, perform the body repair, paint and refinish, put the parts back on, and go over any imperfections in the paint. When it is all done, we give it an inspection to make sure everything is right.
We Will Not Cut Corners to Finish a Job
The skilled and veteran vehicle technicians at McClellan’s Body Shop will make sure every little detail is checked, and we will not cut corners just to finish a body repair job. We restore your car, truck or SUV back to the original factory specifications. Our returning customers have come to expect that from our great technicians. Contact us when you need our services.